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  • Writer's pictureWayne Dean


Customers are often under the misconception that carpet protectors don't work, simply because their expectations are too high.

Of course, no protection treatment is bulletproof against stains, but what it CAN do is give the owner of the treated item time to deal with a spillage before it becomes a stain. They certainly work well within the constraints laid down by the manufacturers, as a "soil and stain resist" product (the key word here is 'resist')… providing, of course, that the treatment has been applied correctly in the first place. In order to overcome the misconceptions regarding carpet protectors it is a good idea to provide our customers with a guide, which will inform them on how to get the best possible performance from their stain resist treatment. ADVISE FOR OUR CUSTOMERS…. • Allow 24 hours of cure time following the application of the protector prior to resuming full usage of the carpet. • Vacuum the carpet regularly to keep soil from becoming ground-in. The protection treatment will make soil removal easier and more efficient. • Blot up spills as soon as possible after their occurrence. While the protector will protect the carpet fibres, spills that work their way to the carpet backing are more difficult to remove and may wick back to the surface over time. • Stay calm if a spillage occurs. Vigorous agitation of the affected area and the application of chemicals are likely to remove the protector. Once our customers are aware of how to care for their treated carpet, the performance of the protector will be improved and they are much more likely to be pleased with the results.

Always choose Xtremeclean ECO for your carpet & upholstery cleaning needs.

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